Update #1

Hey! So, finally an update. It's still very much the beginning of the project, but I changed and added quite a bit. There are (I believe) 5 different 'end of demo' points in the story so far, and a couple of those have some slight variation depending on the route you take or order of choices you take. So, currently there are about 6 or 7 different "endings".

I'm really excited to continue this project, I have this ambition for it to be a large sprawling storyline with many, many different options, endings, and interactions. But, I guess we'll see how it goes one update at a time.

Any feedback at all is appreciated, even if you just tell me you don't like the writing style or that I should change X character to something else. I appreciate anyone at all who takes the time to run through it and let me know what they think! 


Sentience.html Play in browser
Sep 02, 2023

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